Uganda Central Cooperative Financial Services (UCCFS) was registered on the 28th of July 2008 by the Registrar of Co-operatives as a co-operative society limited by shares. UCCFS provides co-operative financial services to all types of Co-operatives (Apexes, Unions, SACCOs, RPOs, ACEs, and other primary Co-operatives) in Uganda. Since the closing of Uganda’s Co-operative Bank, Uganda’s coops have been left without a central financial authority. UCCFS hopes to take on this role in the future, providing a much needed centralized co-operative financial provider to support Uganda’s co-operative movement.
Our current membership of nearly 400 Co-operatives, but we are growing every day! The majority of our member co-operatives are rural based and their individual members depend highly on agriculture related activities. Our services have helped members grow their businesses, expand their farms, get better market prices for their products and improve the management of their finances.
The co-operative principles also state that we must be concerned with our community, which we are. We invest more than just finances in to communities, we invest knowledge by providing training on health and societal issues such as gender mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS, and environmental awareness.
Our current membership of nearly 400 Co-operatives, but we are growing every day! The majority of our member co-operatives are rural based and their individual members depend highly on agriculture related activities. Our services have helped members grow their businesses, expand their farms, get better market prices for their products and improve the management of their finances.
The co-operative principles also state that we must be concerned with our community, which we are. We invest more than just finances in to communities, we invest knowledge by providing training on health and societal issues such as gender mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS, and environmental awareness.

The diagram represents Uganda Central Co-operative Financial Service’s structure. We act as a central financial provider for all co-operatives in Uganda. In this way, we are able to provide meaningful loans, competitive interest rates, and secure savings accounts to all our members. With this model, we are working to provide services and products to all co-operatives, just as a central co-operative bank would. Our large membership means that we are capable of providing financial services to co-operatives and SACCOs which they may not be able to access on their own.